
Showing posts from August, 2014

Life after 40

After age 40 I never imaged my life to be as it is now. I dream big.  I stopped working for corporate America recently and I am taking a Hugh leap of faith.  I started to understand being a career mom and wife was not everything to me. My son graduates with a bachelor degree in May, my other son only has 4 years before he begins his journey.  My daughter needs me more than ever also.  I did not want my little ones to think my career came before them. They are like angels to me and I know my life will never be the same without them in my home. I have run successful businesses and watched our economy strip the life out of me, working day and night like a fool, my husband even worked to the point nothing made sense.  I had to turn my back to it all.  I have no health problems and don't rely on medication. My babies are growing so fast and my man is working so hard for his dreams to go to live television. He is a wonderful partner and I want to spend the rest o...

Responsibility for happiness

God equips his people with all the necessities of life. He prepares the table before you in the presence of your enemy, your cup runneth over........  You have have to learn the importance of changing your language, stop making your family, spouse , or coworker responsible for your disgusting attitude. Learn to let go of pride and learn to love and embrace. God wants us to live a victorious life, full of faith, and love one another. Never live a fairy tail life and make your mate responsible for your happiness. It is foolish and unrealistic to put those weighs on anyone. All the past mistakes and your mess really is a bit much to share with your future. God said, "if you love me keep my commandments, " Live, love, and embrace.  Forgive, let go of the baggage that tried to destroy you , be good to one another,  and never place your actions on someone else, take responsibility for everything you do and teach others to walk in Godliness.  Ojay