
Showing posts from December, 2015

Message of Hope This Holiday Season

Dealing with things during the holiday, I know there are times when we are frustrated, stress, and just feeling powerless during the holiday, but you must not allow your emotions to distraught your time with family. I have a confession, I just went shopping last week, no cards shipped out,  did no baking and do not plan on doing it.  I refuse to stress out this year.  I cleaned my house and boy does it look nice! My family and all the neighborhood went to see Star Wars, this past Saturday, and we just had an amazing time together.   I felt a sense of connectivity and love. I ministered at the Nursing home Sunday and everybody was feeling fantastic, until me and my children had to leave to return home.   There was so much confusion before we left.   I believe the people really were so happy to see us and when we left we took their inner peace with us. Sharing time with the seniors has always been rewarding and if you have not done so I invite yo...

Hope during your discouragement

Can God trust you when you are filled with doubt and are unfaithful?   Sometimes we go through multiple test for God to mature us.                         Photo illustration Newsweek: Source Buena Vista  Images - Getty images 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptations have overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."  He wants to shape us up for our next blessing. He does not want you to get discouraged and give up.  He wants to allow you to go through the same valley you will help someone else escape. He has to remove the old man and transform you into a new creature. Zechariah 4:10 Despise not the days of little beginning. Heb 11.1 Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.   ...

Ojay's quote on painful inflictions.

Never allow other's infliction or pain destroy your intentions. I refuse to hold on to anger thrown into my face.   People face with their pain love to point out your mistakes.                                                                                                                                Orjanette Bryant

Building an Altar

Deuteronomy 27 reveals the writing the law on the stone. I know you have faced with multiple challenges, and you are fighting your way through life's  struggles.  I recently had one friend go into the hospital for a stroke, and he is barely 40 years old.  Then the next week another friend went into the hospital for CHF and a pacing malfunction.   I cried, prayed, and held onto internal pain for them both.   I felt emotional sick or some would say depressed.  God gifts some of us to be prayer warriors in a time when most people just want to give up and give into the enemy.  Hold on to Faith and hope.  Esteeming one another and keeping our brothers uplifted is what we do. I challenge you to prayed to God for a miracle sign and wondered before 2015 end. Watch what he will do. Some of us have a great measure of faith to build an altar. I know this makes no sense because you face one challenge after the other.   Bills keep piling up, an...

How can we apply Deut 28 to our lives today

The book of Deuteronomy is full of law and instructions by Moses.  It seems so uncommon during this trying time to receive all that God promise today but think about his promise.   Moses specifically provided hope to the Israelite.   God said, "he will bless those who obey and follow him. " The Lord, your God, is giving you the land and he will make sure you are successful in everything you do.  Your harvest will be so large that your storehouses will be full. God's power has not been limited by man's limited ability to receive.  I know there are times when the water and lights go out, and you find yourself trying hard to determine how to get your utilities restored.   You fret and feel like you are alone.   Fear feels your heart, and you find yourself begging for bread, which is not what the word of God promise.   I know you feel the gaps and disconnections from the presence of God because it is just fundamental to have water and light. ...

Wait on the Lord

You have waited and waited only to face with the same old issues. It seems like you have dealt with the same problems over and over again.  You are feeling of inadequate, and there are several gaps in you life that needs addressing.   Pray and seek God and he will renew your strength.   Read the Rama- written words in the bible.   Listen to praise music.  Take time out to pray ,but focus more on thanking God.  Have fun and enjoy your family.   Trust in the Lord and he will renew your strength.

Words of encouragement from Timothy

 Feeling some frustrations about how people have gone out of their way to divert your good nature.   Read the passage 2 Tim 3 He warns us of people's intentions during the last days. We must avoid such people at all cost. Timothy explains they are lovers of money, selfish, proud, stuck up, rude, disobedient, and hate anything that is good. Ask God how could you fight against dark forces, whose mission is to kill, steal, and destroy?  He reminded us all never to yield because of the enemy and his diverse daggers.  His instruction is for us to fight a good fight.  And he will do exceeding abundantly above all you could ask or think. There are times when we will win, and there are times when we will feel so defeated, but GOD......   Realizing every day you get up, start a new journey, and GOD gave us the ability to get up out of bed. Share love and speak life.  There are some people who will resist your efforts. Hope is a fundamental concept fo...

Presidential medal of Freedom

Article from Flagler Live

Image Shirley Chisholm, “Part of the Heritage of Palm Coast,” Receives Presidential Medal of Freedom FLAGLERLIVE  | NOVEMBER 24, 2015 Shirley Chisholm in 1972, when she was running for president. (Florida Memory) Long before Barack Obama, before Jesse Jackson, Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro, there was Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to Congress (in 1968), the first to run for president (in 1972, by which time she’d made it onto Nixon’s “Enemies List”), the first to break through the Federal Communications Commission’s arbitrary definition of “major candidates” who could appear in TV debates, and for a time, one of Palm Coast’s most illustrious, if neglected, residents: Palm Coast refused to name a street in her honor after she died on the first day of 2005. But on Tuesday, President Obama awarded her a posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom in a brief White House ceremony. “There are people in...