
Stop being so Saved and Sanctified

I have been struggling to accept a few traditional things about people who claim they are Christians. Some so called Christian try to size everybody. Putting them in that I am better than you attitude and I got everything, let me tell you something right now do not imitate Christ with a label! If you see a drunk man on the side of the street and he is begging you for a dime or maybe a dollar for him and his dog, stop driving your fancy car with your windows rolled so tight and think! That man can be a reflection of you. Number one mental illness, poverty, drug addiction, and alcoholism requires a covering. No one chooses illness, but illness claim our brothers, sisters, and others. It sadden me when the sister of one of those people who stay on the street informed me that she was notified that her brother died. He walked and hitched his way from Florida to North Carolina:(alcoholism and mental illness triggers the brain into a toxic state, they don’t take in food and starve of good nu...

University Success

Be fast, reliable and dependable. Seek a corporate shift for elevations Be displine Unleash rhw creativity Surround yourself with successful people Focus on your health Seek actions to support your growth Failure is the key to success BE persisitant

University Success daily affirmations / Start today

1.) Set realistic goals Your goal should be to small and win BIg! 2.) Set a specific time to complete the goal 3.) Develop a game plan Think about the balance life 30 minutes a day to 1 hour 4.) Price Tag What can you sacrifice to set goals? 5.) Write it down 6.) Read this twice a day Excerpts from U think and go Rich! My mentor is Mr. Spencer Join the university success group and educated yourself on the 5 principles of income shifting and gaining final success Orjanette Bryant Nurse practitioner and financial success advocate 386-227-7303

The Executive Shift Pilot


God Will over irreversible setback

Dear God I ask you to turn my set back in to Wisdome, knowledge, understand and change my financial situation and my home into a blessing of abundance.  I surrender to you. I have lost a lot, I have grieve but I need more than a prayer of comfort over my pain I need to experience your love and hope and gain much but God I know you have the power to help me overcover the war that I am fighting.   Lord, I  may be afraid and full of worry of my future because it has been something I am not comfortable.   Refuse to be bitter Surrender Trust Jesus


Yes, we are looking a little crazy stuck on a plane for over 10.5 hours. The food was pretty nice and I did get up a few times to stretch my legs.   I took a journey to Germany with my mom it was my graduation gift.   Thank you, mother.   We enjoyed the cruise down the river, the bus tour of Frankfurt.   The food and Ok I tried a light Germany beer binding The Roman church alerts you to the time every hour. churches ring there bell every hour On our way to dinner at the NH hotel in search of the pig knuckle. They eat lots of fresh food and olives, beer, brats, ripcin, pastry, white asparagus is nice, and  Sauerkraut . I can not forget that Sicilian pizza.  We did lots of walking in Walsdorf  5 plus floors to shop in the mall- ZEil.  The New Yorker was extra special and the prices were on point. Mom enjoyed walking in the country.  Walking in the woods was ok un...

