Stop being so Saved and Sanctified
I have been struggling to accept a few traditional things about people who claim they are Christians. Some so called Christian try to size everybody. Putting them in that I am better than you attitude and I got everything, let me tell you something right now do not imitate Christ with a label! If you see a drunk man on the side of the street and he is begging you for a dime or maybe a dollar for him and his dog, stop driving your fancy car with your windows rolled so tight and think! That man can be a reflection of you. Number one mental illness, poverty, drug addiction, and alcoholism requires a covering. No one chooses illness, but illness claim our brothers, sisters, and others. It sadden me when the sister of one of those people who stay on the street informed me that she was notified that her brother died. He walked and hitched his way from Florida to North Carolina:(alcoholism and mental illness triggers the brain into a toxic state, they don’t take in food and starve of good nutrients. Their cognitive function change and make them more susceptible to death. But our homeless are gatekeeper they watch our community better than our community cares for them.
I started a hydration clinic why it was not necessarily for just those lawyers who work that stressful job, up all night working cases after cases, that glass of wine and stress leads to more and more. My point is alcoholism is a major problem that can be addressed with proper support and replacing proper vitamins to support cognitive functioning and improve reasoning. I discovered vitamin infusions supports autoimmune diseases and gastric conditions. B complexes and brain health are important . From a cellular level healing from the gut to the brain. I asked God what can I do and he showed me greater things. Alzheimer’s patient could benefit greatly from supplementation and from hydration granted they have no fluid overload problems or risk. Back to my beginning thought people let’s do better and think outside the box, help one another, stop being so offensive and critical towards one another and start making big changes that can impact everyone around you. Be in peace, love you! STOP judging and sizing people around you and look into the mirror:) OJB
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