
Showing posts from July, 2014

Good morning

Good morning everyone I know it has been a while since you heard from me. I have been doing fine, just a little busy with work, with my book, my husband's business, the children, and I sent my son off to Costa Rica. The 4 the off July was nice, we traveled to NC to be with my n laws. They fed us nicely. I need to slow down now I can feel the pounds on my thighs this morning. I will hit the gym next week although I have not even smelled a gym for 4 months.

Life or Death

Yesterday I had every intentions on leaving home at about 7 am, but for some reason I decided to do something I never do , I text all my friends a message to tell them how I loved them . People closest to me know that I have been in labour for a while. I am ready to push this blessing out, but it seems like my timing means nothing. My husband decided I was going to drive his van instead of the Mercedes so he it to clean it, gas it up, wash the car, then put air in the tires- he went to the gas station 4 times in order to delay my trip, something in his spirit was saying stall her a little longer. I was a little concerned at him making me late, but I said nothing, my intentions was to leave early get to the other side of Jacksonville to beat the heavy rain.  My dearest friend, like a sister prayed for my protection that morning before Ieft the house. Everyone I texted sent me a message back to let me know they loved me, interesting enough at 6:30 am. I sent a personal text t...