Jesus stands inside of our pain

4/19/2014  Happy Easter

Jesus stands inside of our pain
A man went to court to fight for his rights that were violated while working for law firm for over 17 years. Because of the hostile conditions he dealt with while working for the firm, he become callus, and wanted to create the same pain the company gave him. This man was so anger envisioned neck of the manager that terminated his employment. In order help the law firm wins cases, he was very unethical and did anything and everything to support the firm.
This man had to rehash the pain he endured during the unfair conditions of his employment. The nasty facts would destroy his ex boss, but this man had to do it because he wanted to see justice served for the wrong he encountered from his company.
The filthy stories this man held on for years caused everyone around him to dislike the person he became. He never focused too much on what the company made him do and never thought much about the poor decisions he made or the extreme measures he took to support the company. He just wanted to open up the wounds of the manager that terminated his employment.
He never understood or knew that the manager prayed for him because he knew he treated him so badly as he was directed to do so. Shortly after he terminated the man the manager decided increase the company ethical compliance and held a higher standard to assist the firm in winning the cases without jeopardizing any one's position on the job. The manager prayed and requested that God give the man another opportunity and guide him through his new journey in life.
Well the man won the case against the firm and the firm terminated the manager.
During Christmas time, following the man winning the case he noticed a poor family getting bread out of the dumpster behind the store and the man begin weep for the little children he saw because it reminded his own children he lost after he was terminated because of addictions to drugs and alcohol. The man begin to think to himself what man leads his family to homelessness. He forgot about his issues that complicated his life at that moment.
He then recognized it was the same manager that fired him. The look on his ex- manager's face was not something he could allow himself to face. So the man drove off in BMW, cried, and pray for that family.
Disclosure this man was not a lawyer nor was he a saint, he was just someone that could not face his own demons.
Jesus stands inside our pain and he never wants to see us fall even when we are right or wrong. Love allows us to go through painful challenges and experiences of life. We must focus of Jesus and the rewards of our future. Never argue to the extreme that you destroy your love ones or anyone around you. We all disagree at times and we must all evaluate ourselves and learn to not argue to prove a point. Sometimes the point has already being proven and when ever that point makes you callus you might need to reevaluate something's and take a step back to refocus. We all disagrees at times husband, wives, and the children don’t have to agree. Parents think it is ridiculous to hear the kids yelling at one another and teach their children to just let it go. Holding on to the pain and allowing it to penetrate inside of us will cause ulcers. Ulcers are sores or irritations that can lead to destruction. Allow your core to be fill with God presence and forgive, forget and let go. Pray for those who try to destroy you.
By Orjanette Bryant


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