Journal to happiness

Lately, I have been extremely busy and it causes me to question certain things.  People may think me sharing the inner core of me and my painful struggles of everyday life is crazy, but my transparency is going to provide hope to someone going through. I am allowing God to fine tune my clouded vision of my future.

 I am really a queen and I married a king. My king has every intentions on giving me everything and some. He has already done that and much more. I love this journey with him. Everyday ups and downs makes it all worth it. People think it is easy, but being married to an artist has multitude of challenges. 
I understand his love and passion.  I am so glad he selected me to watch him work his way right to the magical kingdom. He devote much of himself in everything he does. He challenges me and I am growing daily. I left my past pain and  disappointments to look forward to the future. 

Be blessed and understand the road was not easy for the Cinderella either, she worked hard prior to royalty recognizing the beauty that was hiding from the world. Life can be a fairy tale if you believe, but you must start by acting like the Queen you were designed to be.


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