Man's other half

A Man’s Other Half

We are told, by society, and, the Bible, that a woman completes a man.
Well, depending on how that’s looked at, I have a problem with that.
What needs to be asked is, What can’t a man be or do without a woman?
For almost everything that a man gets from his woman, he can get from any of his friends: Somebody to talk to. Somebody to listen to. Somebody to laugh with. Somebody to cry with. Somebody to eat with. Somebody to starve with … etc.
Any of the man’s friends or family, good-looking or not, tall or short, male or female, can be that to him.
A woman can only logically be said to be a man’s missing other half, if having sex and/or making kids is the man’s primary objective.
However, I would like to go as far as taking “having sex” out of the last sentence. For whether we like it or not, condone it or not, there are countless men who get to subdue their sexual urges from other men. In such cases, the anus plays vagina.
The same can be said about women getting sexual pleasure from other women.
Granted, those women would have used an artificial penis. But, an orgasm or twelve, they would have gotten. For the body cannot really differentiate between a penis made of flesh — and that made of plastic — where pleasure is concerned.
(I don’t want to get into this whole issue as to whether or not homosexuality is immoral. For I find people who hate other human beings merely because of the gender of the people that they prefer to have sex with to be childish and irritating.)
So, what’s left is that, a woman can only be said to be a man’s missing other half, if making a kid is the objective. Otherwise, both the man and the woman are easily replaceable by any random person of any random gender. Seeing that …
A man can cook for another. A man can take a walk with another. A man can clean for another. A man can eat with another. A man can watch a movie with another. A man can choose an outfit for another. And, a man can please another … sexually.
(The assertion that a man and a woman complete each other is asserted with reproduction in mind. That is, the two’s union’s purpose is toproduce offspring.)

— December 5, 2011. 
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